Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WOW....it's been 9 months!

I can not believe it has been so long since I posted something! So many fun things to share with everyone.
Stay tuned...it's time to catch up....

Friday, May 15, 2009

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina........Or........

So, I have now been living in Utah for 3 years. As much as I love my family (that's why I moved here) I have a really hard time living in Utah. It is beautiful but it is cold and the air is so dry that it is really hard on me. I need sunshine and humidity! For the past few months I have been thinking if I could move where would I go? I thought about moving back to Texas (I really miss it there), I thought about moving to Orlando (I could hang out with Clark, Deidre, Cameron and the twins.....very tempting) but as I was checking warm and sunny places to go, I came across Myrtle Beach, S.C. . I started checking into jobs and housing.....both seem to be very promising there. I talked to people who have been there and every person said they loved it! Other than the possibility of the occasional hurricane and being so far away from family, I have not found anything that has detoured my thinking about moving there. So, I am open to any input or suggestions however, keep in mind that you are all welcome to come and spend as much time as you would like hanging out with me at the beach!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Work in Progress

So, I started putting this blog together a few weeks ago. It is a work in progress! Although it is coming together, it is taking a little longer than it should. Feel free to check back as you never know what changes I will be making!